Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Work of One's Own

People are in a quick rush to get somewhere! There are no values placed on works of ones any more. Everyone is chit chatting trying to look like a celebrity, and though there is nothing wrong to that, when the admiring of one do that one natural ones to follow. The email, with its short message, there is little time to expand one thoughts. Everyone is in a quick rush to get somewhere but are they really getting anywhere at all? The same goes to instruments one has to take ones time learning new things. Like I heard in these blogs say rightly, " there are more bad teachers, than there are instruments," that is very true. Teachers don't let students expand their own way of knowledge by themselves, but are taught what is conventional. I heard of very little of Mozart playing other works of other composers, mainly like many great composers he had to perfect his own. Yet, there is total need to learn as much from the treasured past whenever possible.